{"version":"1.0","provider_name":"Magazine Office","provider_url":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com","author_name":"John","author_url":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com\/author\/nivatsi\/","title":"El escritor de ‘House Of Gucci’ Roberto Bentivegna har\u00e1 su debut como director de largometrajes con la adaptaci\u00f3n de la novela de Juan Gabriel V\u00e1squez ‘The Sound Of Things Falling’ para Alibi Media","type":"rich","width":600,"height":338,"html":"
El escritor de ‘House Of Gucci’ Roberto Bentivegna har\u00e1 su debut como director de largometrajes con la adaptaci\u00f3n de la novela de Juan Gabriel V\u00e1squez ‘The Sound Of Things Falling’ para Alibi Media<\/a><\/blockquote>