{"version":"1.0","provider_name":"Magazine Office","provider_url":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com","author_name":"John","author_url":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com\/author\/nivatsi\/","title":"The Playmaker manejar\u00e1 las ventas de la pel\u00edcula animada ‘Pirate Mo and the Legend of the Red Ruby’ del productor de ‘Amazing Maurice’ Ulysses (EXCLUSIVO) Lo m\u00e1s popular Lectura obligada Suscr\u00edbete a boletines de variedades M\u00e1s de nuestras marcas","type":"rich","width":600,"height":338,"html":"
The Playmaker manejar\u00e1 las ventas de la pel\u00edcula animada ‘Pirate Mo and the Legend of the Red Ruby’ del productor de ‘Amazing Maurice’ Ulysses (EXCLUSIVO) Lo m\u00e1s popular Lectura obligada Suscr\u00edbete a boletines de variedades M\u00e1s de nuestras marcas<\/a><\/blockquote>