{"id":391981,"date":"2023-01-08T14:22:18","date_gmt":"2023-01-08T14:22:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com\/nunca-hemos-visto-nada-como-los-auriculares-vr-autonomos-de-htc\/"},"modified":"2023-01-08T14:22:20","modified_gmt":"2023-01-08T14:22:20","slug":"nunca-hemos-visto-nada-como-los-auriculares-vr-autonomos-de-htc","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com\/nunca-hemos-visto-nada-como-los-auriculares-vr-autonomos-de-htc\/","title":{"rendered":"Nunca hemos visto nada como los auriculares VR aut\u00f3nomos de HTC"},"content":{"rendered":"




La realidad virtual est\u00e1 mejorando cada vez m\u00e1s, pero tambi\u00e9n se est\u00e1 volviendo m\u00e1s caro<\/span>. Los auriculares de gama alta m\u00e1s nuevos de HTC anunciados en CES, Vive XR Elite, siguen un libro de jugadas similar al reciente de Meta b\u00fasqueda profesional<\/span>y posiblemente de Apple dispositivo esperado<\/span> tambi\u00e9n. Plantea una pregunta: \u00bfestamos realmente preparados para el auge de los equipos de realidad virtual de m\u00e1s de 1000 d\u00f3lares? El Vive XR Elite independiente es elegante y se ve mucho m\u00e1s compacto que el Quest Pro, y est\u00e1 tratando de probar las aguas de gama alta.<\/p>\n


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\n Super Small Vive XR Elite Doesn’t Quite Work For My Eyes\n <\/p>\n

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The $1,099 headset, available for preorder Thursday, is arriving by the end of February — remarkably soon for a CES product. That means it’ll be available alongside Sony’s PlayStation 5-connected PSVR 2<\/span>. While less expensive than the Quest Pro, the XR Elite’s price costs about as much as buying a PS5 and a PSVR 2 together. It’s far from an impulse purchase. But the hardware, which shrinks down the VR form to a pair of nearly glasses-like goggles and includes mixed-reality capabilities that could allow for AR apps, looks to solve how we’ll be using the metaverse<\/span> for more in our lives than just games, simulation and fitness.<\/p>\n

Read more<\/strong>:\u00a0The Wonders of CES 2023: 3D Laptops, Wireless TV and Shape-Shifting Screens<\/span><\/p>\n

No other company has really cracked this challenge either. But this Vive headset looks, more than ever, like it’s a stepping stone to future AR glasses.<\/p>\n
