{"id":899106,"date":"2023-11-24T16:45:30","date_gmt":"2023-11-24T16:45:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com\/final-fantasy-xvi-ea-sports-fc-24-diablo-iv-resident-evil-4-elden-ring\/"},"modified":"2023-11-24T16:46:04","modified_gmt":"2023-11-24T16:46:04","slug":"final-fantasy-xvi-ea-sports-fc-24-diablo-iv-resident-evil-4-elden-ring","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/magazineoffice.com\/final-fantasy-xvi-ea-sports-fc-24-diablo-iv-resident-evil-4-elden-ring\/","title":{"rendered":"Final Fantasy XVI, EA Sports FC 24, Diablo IV, Resident Evil 4, Elden Ring"},"content":{"rendered":"



\u00a1Es hora de resumir las mejores ofertas de juegos del Black Friday 2023 que encontrar\u00e1s en la Web! Este art\u00edculo se centrar\u00e1 en dos de los minoristas m\u00e1s importantes de Am\u00e9rica del Norte, Amazon y Walmart, y seleccionar\u00e1 las mejores ofertas para los juegos m\u00e1s emocionantes lanzados en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os. Tambi\u00e9n agregamos algunos paquetes de PlayStation 5 y Xbox Series S|X.<\/p>\n

Si est\u00e1 interesado en comprar directamente en las tiendas de plataformas, consulte nuestros art\u00edculos dedicados a Steam, Epic Games Store, Xbox, PlayStation y Nintendo.<\/p>\n

\u00a1Feliz compra!<\/p>\n


Black Friday 2023 Juegos en Amazon<\/h2>\n

Saints Row Edici\u00f3n D\u00eda 1 PS5: $12,05 (35% de descuento); PS4, Xbox Series S|X: $14,99 (25 % de descuento)<\/span><\/p>\n

Star Ocean The Divine Force (Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X) – $19.00 (52% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Simulador PowerWash (Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X): $19,99 (20 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Dying Light 2 Stay Human (PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series S|X) – $19,99 (67% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Payday 3 (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X): $24,99 (38% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Star Trek: Resurgimiento (PlayStation 5) – $24,99 (38% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Madden NFL 24 (Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X) – $29,99 (57% de descuento)<\/p>\n

EA SPORTS FC 24 (Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X) – $29,99 (57% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Sonic Frontiers Nintendo Switch: $29,99 (50% de descuento); PS5: $29,59 (51\u00a0% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Interruptor de conducci\u00f3n LEGO 2K, PS4, XB1: $ 29,99 (50 % de descuento); PS5, XSS|X: $34,99 (50% de descuento)<\/p>\n

NBA 2K24 Edici\u00f3n Kobe Bryant (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X) – $29.99 (50% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Resident Evil 4 (Xbox Series S|X) – $30.00 (50% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Street Fighter 6 (PlayStation 4, Xbox Series S|X) – $30.00 (50% de descuento)<\/p>\n

NHL 24 (PlayStation 5) – $32,99 (53% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Dead Island 2: Edici\u00f3n D\u00eda 1 (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5) – $34,99 (50 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Sonic Superstars (Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X): $34,99 (42% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Final Fantasy XVI (PlayStation 5) – $35,00 (50 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Elden Ring PlayStation 5: $ 39,96 (33 % de descuento); Xbox Series S|X: $39,65 (34% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Edici\u00f3n de lanzamiento de Assassin’s Creed Mirage (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X): $39,99 (20 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

EA SPORTS UFC 5 (Xbox Series X) – $40.00 (43% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Diablo IV (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X): $49,99 (29 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Consola PlayStation 5 – Paquete Marvel’s Spider-Man – $499.00 (11% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Consola PlayStation 5 – Paquete Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III – $499.00 (11% de descuento)<\/p>\n


Juegos del Black Friday 2023 en Walmart<\/h2>\n

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales PlayStation 4: $15,00 (70% de descuento); PlayStation 5: $20,00 (60\u00a0% de descuento)<\/p>\n

MLB The Show 23 PS4, PS5: $20,00 (67% de descuento); [DIGITAL] Xbox Series S|X, Switch: $20,00 (67% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Crash Team Rumble: Edici\u00f3n Deluxe (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X) – $20.00 (50% de descuento)<\/p>\n

The Last of Us Part II (PlayStation 4): $20,00 (50% de descuento)<\/p>\n

WWE 2K23 (PlayStation 5) -$30,00 (57% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Horizon: Oeste Prohibido (PlayStation 4): $ 30,00 (40 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

God of War: Ragnarok (PlayStation 4): $30,00 (50 % de descuento); PlayStation 5: $40,00 (43\u00a0% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X) – $39.99 (43% de descuento)<\/p>\n

The Last of Us Parte I (PlayStation 5): $40,00 (43% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Dead Space (PlayStation 5, f\u00edsica; Xbox Series S|X, digital): $40,00 (43 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Mortal Kombat 1 (Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series S|X) – $40.00 (43% de descuento)<\/p>\n

Hogwarts Legacy (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X) – $40.00 (43% de descuento)<\/p>\n

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo Switch) – $ 58,90 (16 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X) – $60,00 (14 % de descuento)<\/p>\n

Consola Xbox Series X – Paquete Diablo IV – $439.00 (22% de descuento)<\/p>\n


Consola Xbox Series S – Paquete inicial (3 meses de Game Pass Ultimate) – $249,00 (17 % de descuento)<\/p>\n


\t\t\t\tComparte esta historia<\/p>\n

<\/svg> Facebook<\/p>\n

<\/svg> Gorjeo<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n<\/p><\/div>\n

Source link-29 <\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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